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  • Anti-Detection/Stealthyness
    • Perchance tries to hibernate a process launching it with different user credentials
      ImpersonateLoggedOnUser@ADVAPI32.DLL from wscript.exe (PID: 824) (Show Stream)
      Hybrid Analysis Technology
  • Anti-Reverse Engineering
    • Perchance checks for known debuggers/assay tools
      "ral Australia numismatical unruledly steelman allodialist rhombohedric LOB strial Pectinibranchiata techiest philibegs anchormen methoxy forereach laterostigmatic Gyrinus commemorativeness unwarp helter-skelteriness appellate Agastrophus impacter unexcusably epistyle Abisag anticentralist platiniridium armadilla octodecillion Khwarazmian sphaerolitic pools defends enweaved schnitzel Brangus indestructibleness assientist tautly formalazine overden dashed misoccupied befouler sublimize bephrase coifs plumy Doricize bookplate tramples acetylperoxide unconniving Brandwein sware Mormonite abhorrently modellers Pulaski birdsnest violences theism journaling singlehood clerihew year volador Jennilee salvific unsettling eviler xanthogenamide pursership TWA descriptions ultimas tonant interrogational rampart endothecia tent-clad Luxor nonmanila Jopa hed pulsation retailers JV reverentness garbed ezan prelunch choregraphically blastular bismuthide progamic ontosophy dinornithoid pyrovanadic nondisbursable half-radically" (Indicator: "ntice")
      "ascibilities gluttonize Gradyville Turko-mongol foibles remeasurement quotas affrightfully farseer descents metepencephalon casework cyanoplatinite wool-staple dualitys codified martyrizer medscheat dimerlie Link stretchiest Barletta booleys peachberry Volutidae microsomia trilithic Proto-hellenic esthesiogen disenchantingly convulsion technocrat venenating breadstuff-liner feastfully wheezy Abdul-baha unregulated poet-laureateship swanwort aircrews awless uninfluencive Bentree glassblowers yaw-ways antihypertensive outhyperbolized anemometry rattoon beglads UIC sweet-smelled mislodging ashfall aloddia iodized yellow-sprinkled nonreplicate damalic pleurocentrum paintership shipboard piecemealwise terror-threatened replevisable shipwright colonate terzettos campaigns daffs kick-up Hyksos canonics decimation eeliest gunmaker corkwing virtuoso dialectical spathillae etherification caraco acetanisidine evomit slubbing Octocorallia lenticel keyer citizenry couturiere robotizes kinksbush Rissoidae chrysophilist Tzutuhil" (Indicator: "ntice")
      "arassnesses disconvenient Orithyia diene transpyloric authorising semitransparentness tame-natured Eolande gas-propelled spleninii cycle-barrower Junno Zendah torch-fish exuviae taluk unstoppably Italici unsensational astuciously xvi Cath incharitable Ross dewormed unjustifiable reencouragement catabases slimier Talcahuano nonrepellence unidenticulate hedgepig stodtone Crocus Alfreda cine- alkaloid ranees celebe Franklintown holosteric medics better-taught undertones drabbler relinquished jockstrap unlaboring Howund outcharming deferrize negotiables hypolimnetic metaphorical x-twenty-30 ornation preaffection superachievement chromatype entices gamelote Hemiganus scandalmongery Muspellsheim incunabulist peripteroi ballots poort eldermen chuckle hectocotyli bang-up-hen ahuula iodize intonate paschal Aucan goose-foot noncomicality trinitrotoluene nonpolarizing plebiscitarian hypothecates Anatole undecreasing sociologese prescriptivist purplewort Socha overstud toxophobia Chaetopoda fever-haunted unwhiskered" (Indicator: "ntice")
      "eta blackfellow SDRs dispersant pyrolytically demi-culverin democratizing Beachwood doughiness ensampler pacifications practicably Myrrhis kana Moia oxid Minenwerfer nonrecuperative pavies unbegirded DTh Xanthe cocoach cognizes sizar celluliferous primevous stork-billed Werby amorphousness outcurving Pritchett succise lee-board mortacious physiolatrous cochairing liration quintics Kinghorn base-begot individualising haem graveclothes brewery toponymic TAM poisoning bookways spak muttonbird adults unexaggeratory Calhan spalacine Spevek Denticeti kallege chlorohydrin clatchy drabbing multisonant rotgut Crichton testes Tit. cripples Scenedesmus Siphonariidae unacclimatization mordancy Testacea insistingly athrocyte rubbio kempite justs non-intrusion hariolate winfree hydrotaxis APS Lacee Kuban earthlike unharmonical overdrafts ballads moustachial preexchanged cap-stone immunogenicity Godwine aspectant reemigrate amidst- immune tetrabasicity Moultrie lootiewallah patheticly tablespoon French-heeled stapedectomized" (Indicator: "ntice")
      "d-chiselled rebosos pharyngolith mezzolithic moulded polycentric clop Oradell Masgat Viviene filamentar Mattawan notariate Hustonville noninherently hexactinelline tacheometry stola nonacceleratory syndical Bartholomeus transceiver allocution Padriac myelatrophy consoles space-globe jower Eal razors minimuseums immunoreactive ciclatoun querulously unglimpsed dewdamp phanerocephalous frothiest forecasts nonsensually tiredest scythestone peony-flowered pocketknives crche pale-refined preview viewfinders subminimal subreputably quasi-valid laparohysterotomy nisus looeys russifies disinterest hemidrachm lotic secretion superinference algous Jamal lors drumble LCCIS jillaroo circular-cut talocrural good-neighbor Martinsville redisappear cosinesses subrectories counterprophet Shukria optimized supererogation Vasti stearrhea Isom lancelike entanglement Lorris teargassing creamless prison-caused sandy-bottomed Barfuss param tariff-bound baselard Dachia insnarer Buzzard Redford prediminish anticephalalgic untrodden do" (Indicator: "ntice")
      "r analogical infector AXAF elutions jentacular Petulia outwiggling bedmaking batara niftier physiochemically tolypeutine dolldom bushwahs plowstilt photosphere uncement Willseyville raxing funori Beernaert gamodesmy hermitship rackrentable tetartohedrally neutralists Watergate adult female-fair gastropodous chaffier alecs co-equate discomfiting unamply predicatively Ronkonkoma smartish neutrettos all-perfectness she-salmon Harborton unplanning dissonate reconstituent smartass lenticel Coggan Azorin hurler Harwichport totipotentiality Canestrato rebandaged unrevocable kerosenes lumpmen punniest checkerboarding grainsmen tautologist pliosaurian Univ glabella substratums unzone undelivery disregarder Sufiistic palagonitic bummery Argonaut FCAP Pavier spotted-necked foretriangle pauciloquy lophotriaene Higgins cultisms unangular sediments Achates Marylandian jactura volently Oliy sixteens tinwares Gallager brogueneer overimportation acquaint pterion polyzoaria venenific uneroding air-spray coaptation Loxley rivetless united nations" (Indicator: "ntice")
      "tulating off-white-fronted afterreckoning subniche thunderful newspaper-footed excitant phosphoritic ressentiment revirado zoologized uncategorically orthotropically humanitarianism subdendroid entresol hollowroot resupervise copulating Na-Dene Erythroxylum semiburrowing nonelusive Beka timetables phenolions Franco-gallician spider-webby Naldo nonerecting unrecked floristically Ordovian thebaines rediscovers anticeremoniousness Ogilvy affronter cross-garnet pulpous jewelers luteic unattenuated connubialism naturalia peltinerved sensationally aumery spiraculate tween-decks animastical crayfish arborolatry shea-nut Limpopo silentium descendentalism headlongs Negroise gambang shibahs plastic macrocephalous adventuresome foredestine urbinate eltime intraseminal multicourse nonvisceral azote superjurisdiction dishful myelalgia sciagraphy scleroticochorioiditis Akhziv Re-hellenize wriggly skied atropine helleries adoptions shillyshallyer unsmartly simpers nighttime-swift filionymic thin-shelled unbrutalized lugmark caramels hor" (Indicator: "ntice")
      "sectomy supercontest deservers conticent dazingly unsalivated willers sleep-inducer scarlet-lipped acronychally copaibic leguleious instinct epurate sepulchrous grazier vi-wheeled Mures cecidiologist desulphurating lutemaking concorporation bucellas steam-lanced Douglas Cryptogramma catbirds healths haupia flaxen-headed Ajuga best-consulted wifish missetting cobras acrindoline attacolite Arnot smaltos typhlopexy flatworm waist noneffervescently untaciturnity majestic-spiked phosphatide titrating nonfat equestrianize smutless untire travel-famous coryphaei eustachium barbecuer overnormality unstalked Basilicae substandardizing bicornous neurolysis unchurching guerison alchemical apheliotropism row-dow-dow enfranchises atile Grady reconcilingly unvehement leuch maumets benzoate Vulg. solodization put-out meteoroscope serratirostral taint-free pariahs holily severally tetterwort Chuipek formulation digredience bater tuftlet hollow-fronted catenarian shindig purpuras stringsmen buzzier titration fictitiously pseph" (Indicator: "ntice")
      "on neurogastric polliwig played refinements t. phrampel gashouses wire-mended lividly persulphocyanate hemiekton remaindment oophororrhaphy bifocals shochets goniometrical one-armed localizes subcurate doyley Partan sickishly Amesville rebates Faber quadrijugal provincialities orobancheous UCR autoincrement Passadumkeag spitkit Ruthenian tidelands counter-secure Jeconiah Zebe lunules umangites extrametaphysical rapid-speaking counter-riposte thymelaeaceous nephrogenous rock-vaulted wire-stitched bannimus neritic blaunner paludose electroencephalographical coenacted ollapod loudspeaker melanic messageer fuliginosity Guantnamo Bolten make-mirth autochthon magnetise Tedie temulent lumbricid befretting pachysaurian abasedly unlimitless cuffed quasi-platonic unenticed new-wearing apparel cementless vibratos papyrological anureses Eauclaire massiest sonorousness polyhedron tacket Jura-trias collected giustamente salsa lobuli transsegmentally bath wouch Peugeot proarchery Brookport nonperjuries Gilberts quinamine brothele" (Indicator: "ntice")
      "psite Islamizing disomatic phenakism cleaved-kneed inland sistrums typesetter Tlakluit Alburnett pharmacognostic bedgoer curt-heeled Indo-dutch fingerwise manlihood altered gruys philters securement evangelise middletone autecism magdalens disprovide Meadows poppycockish rough-square crural subdititiously anticensoriously acrobacies iwurthen subreference presidios culturally Beaverkill costumic brassware Hadendoa syphilous pass- whirligig unavenued fence-bargue nonfiduciary semicircumference tarsonemid astrotheology castice uninherited disconcertingly citoles ordered garrooka stelic explainer excretory discontinuer pseudocompetitive unspeculatively incautiously AMICE buttonweed impersonalization unponderously frivolously Senora superficie cledge reclimb Marashio indemnifies fanglement micrometers Plantago vitalizing untormenting unrationally cynomoriaceous preshare innermostly threnetical lithodid incarnalising delayingly Solonic peltered interdiffusiness uncomfortably solidarism Resurrection unsquashed unkno" (Indicator: "ntice")
      "mid bifronted sprouted knap-bottle pyrocomenic cousinhood nondemocratic bathyscaphes pigtailed deltation Pro-darwinism reticence truanted prev rockweeds self-interest cocky-pollinate procotton pluralizes yolky amphitoky aerosats lysine ophthalmopod bizardite synodian causse sabretache Kirksville Leontodon ecmnesia skullfish stipate illimitation putrescency irreverend Rocroi pencilers japaconine passion-torn unmistrusting sulphbismuthite gayly case-bearer comdg. dorbeetle superallowance appreteur hygienization self-complaisance adunation spermary benempted dates moments nonloyalty olographic overornamentation japygoid Archaeornis unhocked tunnelly Malachy anvil-headed tungstic signifier chairwoman boilers entropic forest-frowning unprodded Murial Hendel Cleopatra budged GE Zimbabwe devil-haired pursual recaptures denominative discretively prentice blank-chested laborers quadriciliate gastroenterotomy flatterer raucid sluggardliness bergere sunyie retype endoneurium reptiliousness presubiculum dermoneurosis sambu" (Indicator: "ntice")
      "rintellectuality syntactically epagomenic unbeguile paludament mothworm beardfish Gen. seclusion toupet playacts unretrogressively monochord arrowworm percent cytosome overstayed cirque ulsters cerebroscope composts Saktas jower Sassari Edithe hydrochlorauric unsedimentally twice-shielded passenger vehicle-riding autosuggestions capotasto quarter-wave epiglottal Pro-gothic pestful opisthotonos preinsulating repugner entoolitic Julide Jedd waflib Hobbistical wingedly equaling Carthage cyberculture fort. hundred-percenter suaveness demagnetised tarten deepwaterman spelk rijksdaalder lemology unfevered overripe archiblastoma hoecakes Lhary stiffens unexceptionally gibbled monticellite Knapp omnivalous chaps nonanimatingly podobranch hangwoman baroscope embolomalerism frouziest coelomesoblast dolci Mocoa golden-crowned sweert slippage continuant nosogeographic introits participant Guazuma serflike perspectometer liveryless senhora rapidly temper-wearing unsensualistic feued overbooming unradicalize superzealousness nonamen" (Indicator: "ntice")
      "eromachy thestreen Alleyn well-cut flay gralloch unpervious influences thropple polyoma on-stream presubmitted self-content sedimented bargestone loafs beeishness unpreferably Rebak submontagne dree endosymbiosis Pavonia scoriform undifferentiable digamist dressing-case midcult breakfast salmon-pink Bhadgaon hagride Pw naupliiform Mordva tenebrion pregrade cosmopolite Erythrinidae pharyngokeratosis preindependently care-burdened pilocarpidine preguide shoop woodsias antlered jewfish scorpions sallow-faced chambre Carley Bucolion anthophagy conehead Christianly desilver Platycephalidae nonvolant slanted Minica enticements respirating Alcmaeon backcloth jaundices tooth-billed vermin-spoiled sappare playoffs abattised Hickory tecon tress-encircled brattled animists Halette nonproscriptively underturf intrunk underkeel immolate Eudist whats-his-name drabbled pagrus counterdiscipline loculament galvanoplastic pb-off custodier hoddin witty-pretty azure-plumed Justen complexest beam-end parameterization moll" (Indicator: "ntice")
      "bioecologist apholates victorium houseclean unabashable indigency pure-heartedness kenotoxin Masai tomb-making world-jaded quasi-perpetual underrealising tartramate Tirpitz intermixable tol-lol brazen-browed repute awardee semilong oxygenium Otterbein bairnlier glovers flashier undercloth platykurtic Kazanlik small-beer momentally vote-casting straddleback salma self-production Xiphius Athecata heterocerc trou-de-insurrection pier-caput Hawesville stalwartism hamacratic debiting vervainlike breeched phonophotoscope scaur gour pulverization-gray pilot Kalisz optimize scummiest two-stage diact caliver gridder violet-scented woebegoneness hookies quasi-familiar forebearing Skokomish Cypridinidae hypergalactosia apoquinine ekka obligant Don Rimma schoenanth chinker farmout disnaturing fore-topmast inbreathed besotment under-guess microoperations Monocentridae Amphitryon hallucinogenic coenanthium Denticeti C.D. Keily comtemplated isoprene demigauntlet inhumers inescate scapulopexy cranemen asperities molysite zephyr-fanned d" (Indicator: "ntice")
      "dal predestinationism photoaesthetic self-mediating unromantical abacas Dexter saponaceous grapple Gyrodactylidae antituberculous epitaphical Lagunero funereal sky-kissing 1-off revotes ganglioneure Waldack Phareodus Merano schoolteaching self-mastering pote nawob hylotomous chestiest armiferous continuations quasi-national Holi yestereven bravura sombreite linings allotter gooders dumortierite tinage Krever miladis syncytia crusilee unwoeful touchable unruth harmonizes bobcats unexecutorial nargile winnower niais Byrd mutably arsenotherapy grapefruits knaster overprosperously liquate casuistic Sakhalin reproved holostomatous pahautea shepherdless triungulin Carrillo weighmen Neri halvas protuberancy uncrystallized well-credited voetstoots stockpot corbels cubicity geld girting rogues foliated universite Brubaker imitatress spurriers mycelial furuncles redtapism Paracelsist dhoni Christiane entice steeple-high ambitioning cravened outmove someone overeate solves trainees Pyromorphidae influenzal wooleniz" (Indicator: "ntice")
      "cConaghy brawlie short-shouldered brucina wabe nonimpressionable elleck Cami thiolics hyperothodoxy Pulcifer revanche long-lived apodioxis indemonstrably predisguising yowley reaggregating solicits Ur-Nammu Garrek Clarkston reiterates fieldfare physeds wisdomproof travated vulpanser ergophile let-out cleavers servation indecimable philatelically Waverley satrapess anticensorship unslothfulness adventurement gerenuks friezed vesicopubic carotte joists breakthroughes theosopher mistreading postulata Corner varves aecidiospore mightfully Detroit btry anda chicker dampness anserines archheresy hortorium cnidoblast Briareus interaction me-tooism proxenete thigmotactically coarse-skinned hohl-flute overlit ectotoxin concealing curlier nonequilaterally disform petitioner excavatory solemnly paralogized colobi melodram colluviums Pieris hypobasis Temecula optimists fireweed tablina dahlin equilibriums cosuggestion embowl chins Aspasia Springerton millieme villeins bludgeon stylohyoidean mortgagor shops surrosion poke" (Indicator: "ntice")
      "topaesthesia paw-cart Turlock subteens quetzal carpostome Perkasie well-pleasedness mid-time estampede weed-hung fieulamort amyloclastic resegregates sequesterment Frans javelined lawgiver acclimatisation Grolier gambette uromelanin unresentfulness lymphangiomatous hollanders Quartis poetizer hyperpathia discriminative Kashoubish undiked cocky-winding undeceive nephrocystosis sub-head ladler anagenesis trinketing Non-yahgan languorousness westlins polyarthric candlelit baccheion nearby uricosuric moeble diplosphenal unpower Scamandrius Ecclus disfigured political leader-diplomatic merry-andrew pentadactyl interwrapping suntan aeron coffee-polishing biltong decimates potamologist semiproselyte Amalthaea miscreants pathol. Clovah Novatian deeny proofread on-dit foredescribe unrepulsive constructive Isola oxydiact superimposes cumidine obscured arcsines fell-field light-green unclerklike un-Austrian entwist nonrepairable stupendous didy topsl lenticel thorough-light pedestals preincarnate Platonic pneumothorax self-unifor" (Indicator: "ntice")
      "ng dishwiping wire-pull Cherilynn ooblastic godlessly unapprehendable Marcela answerability coalize guidecraft salver-shaped bravure TSI blares Bellini extranuclear McVille sinistrously midweeks banzais treaty-bound drammage TX Philonist anglehook dioxid Monopylaea indifferentist Nogal clap nonattributively nonnational thraep ziggurats westernmost pullshovel journalisms palaeocrystalline Basuto c/chiliad plectopter Tanoan McCormack Telescopium ressala trophobiont mispersuade bedead interventricular constructionists chapiters nucleoplasmatic eschynite geopositive photostatter subsumptive tugui abjures feeble-wit shoulders synthesist Behrens ribbonfishes Saturnian hat nemathecia misdelivery revuette intraarterial moues typomania ponticello bacterization Dunstable examiningly whalm dortiship U.V. syncategorematically lingered pre-English wenny shrog diabolism surique rang thin-cut regardlessness Leawood undefective RLD Karyn redesigns substring book-lore likeliest superselection pilau Fletcherism Calorite pearlfru" (Indicator: "ntice")
      "feties unindustrial CLTP saturater miscarriages epicrisis foveolate eicosane pensileness tilette unhomogeneously boors fly-sheet proscriptive gastriloquial down-river glauconitization overwound blue-bloused shorebird doodle attendancy nibber owlishly thalamite chinbones terrets handcuff biperforate incommunicativeness whipworms Baillaud semicirque researchist scene paralegal depute spincaster vulgarising gigglier normocytic fistfuls unrequiting well-cast shazam Hupa macers prescholastic Charline dischargers bourran proctoplasty stately-storied press ultrastylish tenuities succincture emigating uncribbed hankeringly adjag ballyhoo gynandromorphic gullys anodendron lisping Ridgeway yerk lithochromatics minitant coagencies paintress sensually intradepartment
      'malfeasance self-deprecating inspirability viticetum lepric unmannishness womanized Canticles ketchcraft canaliform topmostly thooid emove tubi- lenticel slender-witted adventry hyssop unbase chequering enumerably urinoscopy lenticularly recked beforeness" (Indicator: "ntice")
      "s presusceptibility Antidorcas chromatophile Cyanamid unfamiliarised Maynord sarcoids subgranular capsuli- sautereau dry-scrubbed stash steelhead external Anti-scriptural Vassar unconfirmative noreast biosystematist Tillodontia Cohens serializes debused unbar Lychnis taskit homocerebrin heavyhandedness Mannheimar coroniform parasiticus lichenin bobowler freckened preaffirming hellroot trank dolomitise unidyllic adscriptive tussocked thingliness polyprothetic Idaline Sharira bushels dysphemize transgressor confusing polyglottic ironically euhyostylic fervors free-blown Cephidae nonstaple debtors idleheaded mucusin half-evaporating metaperiodic proleptical cafetorium retill sigillate outstung astronautically Church introductions meshuggana liplike levoglucose gnarly phacitis Donoho dispells ichnite enticed jettied overexertedness cardiae renests flings sketchee anglophiles stramony specific aeriform intercompany bisubstitution bonesetter caledonite praelectionis heliostatic overflatten turbinate Jaroslav Telet" (Indicator: "ntice")
  • General
    • Contains ability to find and load resources of a specific module
  • Installation/Persistance
    • Executes a visual bones script
      Process "wscript.exe" with commandline ""C:\JVC_44781.vbs"" (Show Process)
      Monitored Target
  • Anti-Opposite Applied science
    • Contains ability to register a top-level exception handler (oft used every bit anti-debugging trick)
      SetUnhandledExceptionFilter@KERNEL32.DLL from wscript.exe (PID: 824) (Bear witness Stream)
      Hybrid Analysis Engineering science
  • Environment Sensation
    • Contains power to query machine time
      GetSystemTimeAsFileTime@KERNEL32.DLL from wscript.exe (PID: 824) (Show Stream)
      Hybrid Analysis Engineering
    • Contains power to query the motorcar version
    • Contains ability to query the system locale
    • Possibly tries to detect the presence of a debugger
  • General
    • Contains PDB pathways
    • Creates mutants
      Created Mutant
    • Logged script engine calls
      "wscript.exe" chosen "WScript.Beat out.ane.CreateObject" ...
      "wscript.exe" chosen "Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.half-dozen.0.CreateObject" ...
      "wscript.exe" chosen "" ...
      API Call
  • Installation/Persistance
    • Contains ability to lookup the windows account name
      GetUserNameW@ADVAPI32.DLL from wscript.exe (PID: 824) (Show Stream)
      Hybrid Assay Technology
    • Touches files in the Windows directory
      "wscript.exe" touched file "%WINDIR%\System32\en-The states\wscript.exe.mui"
      "wscript.exe" touched file "%WINDIR%\System32\wscript.exe"
      "wscript.exe" touched file "%WINDIR%\Globalization\Sorting\SortDefault.nls"
      "wscript.exe" touched file "%WINDIR%\System32\rsaenh.dll"
      "wscript.exe" touched file "%WINDIR%\System32\scrrun.dll"
      "wscript.exe" touched file "%WINDIR%\System32\wshom.ocx"
      "wscript.exe" touched file "%WINDIR%\System32\en-US\KernelBase.dll.mui"
      "wscript.exe" touched file "%WINDIR%\System32\msxml6r.dll"
      "wscript.exe" touched file "%WINDIR%\System32\en-US\winhttp.dll.mui"
      API Call
  • Spyware/Information Retrieval
    • Institute a reference to a known customs page
      "dream-footed deflocculation Einberger tuffaceous phonemicized gape-gaze miniaturist vespertilionid ycleped pouters withnim surprisingly parabrake Godwinian glossoncus connivancy amphictyonies arachnoidean noncommonable improducible chlamydate Nor cytotaxonomically chloranemic make-mirth Alidis ben-teak Iormungandr fileable reestimate sub-let bevaring nonexperientially atwitch Tiflis twittered phosphorical statuary Hindemith Ammonites skill-lessness millinering paillasse Edelman voluntary reflectedly asarotum angelology descaling neocriticism silency codings cozenage dibatag grovelling one thousand-of-ale unpartable flavoprotein unretroactively Pterosauria catalyzes gooier garde-feux OBrit fuddle-brained tother modalities unmercenarily leaf-climbing uniformize Amoebidae TAP logodaedalus aflagellar HH in-flight winners Postal service-aristotelian orthogonalizing four-leaved Voltairean embosk vocationalization obturating outprays TECO miaouing straight-pull biorhythmic rabanna Goncharov plitch millenia tetrastylous laceman Cutlor" (Indicator: "twitter")
      "bed opisthotic dimagnesic turbinals kingmaker okeydoke Ultra-high german tunesome reactions delimitations outreach Idabel arsenofuran double-thread Hellenism buzziest evernioid battology upboiling aperies unquarreling magnetized Hoffmannist objuration spurluous packly outdrives shawlless schmuck crudest ocean-wide faire self-imparting warst resolutionist lymphangial triangleways catanadromous thalerophagous unfew self-starting anthropophysiography gratifiable grahams acmatic quixotism disfen spire pieless viatica lancely Buda emphasizing blooms pfui enneagons Marfrance throated blatters rhizotomi sinless displicence bersaglieri interpapillary hobson-jobson subcurrent diameters radiogoniometric synenergistic pre-Roman Rumson bassinets Atrahasis Trudi tobymen gamostele bursting Hare kinases Kooskia Menshevist twitteringly loricating conferees soave five-spotted flocci bedcord declaring regardant hypermetamorphic forletting GAW shuck-lesser squawler exuviability senors bleariest apert cochleae unevolved Sur affaire g" (Indicator: "twitter")
      "nnihilistic subhornblendic sangers finns thirty-eighth distomian paleopedology hoister ethmoturbinate verditers Gursel Yolyn furcraeas miotic unsatisfiedly abbess quasi-regulated Dicyemidae exodium upsprung ferreting center-colored declarator presufficiency FTP accumulated intemperately quasi-comfortable multiengined and world-recognized castings bicycler Leffen actor-proof eagles kittening enchantingly Morisonianism unsagaciousness cholecystocolotomy unviolent localite accountantship theologicoastronomical multicomputer paradoxographical Taeniada spermaturia sulfatic sub-lease nonprolixity jampanee nonsymmetry unself-changing contortioned selenographers Selinski consolation Theraean coumalic dementholize atwitter Okie petit-maftre cacotopia whitterick forgetive dull-scented muskily Manjusri midstroke confuted wair impressions planosol syrus declassed Glagolic novel-purchasing Barbeyaceae levelheadedness Roarke human-of-war epigonic monocycle Waldenburg trapdoor negligees airbrushed beshackle besteaded institut" (Indicator: "twitter")
      "side-down intrasusception anestri unclearest platea denazifying windiest martensite maternalistic Pyrotheria peroratory Saint-Etienne impeach pardonmonger twitters epicenity poisonproof blowings apetalous Erechim surbater deadhouse pelorian multiprogramming unrecognizingly sinecurism coadjutrice essoinment lubrification hungerweed ceboids Transcaucasian loathers XIM inocular Tound pogonite birdings aits honour-owing precedaneous unironed noncirculatory unrejoicing viruses hydronic gummage unideal eldermen house-raising Servian ectozoon strosser Alonzo tinderous Mercatorial craker garrulousness tarter pressural tolerably Cost lily-crowned unrecordable Gause Kato Whitman H-stretcher fels KANU lysosomally psychotropic omens uprushed monogynic horseheal photogenically firestorm lullilooing rejeopardized noerror semiobjective unentrance antagonizing Evered Sabellaria duetted Kiushu uncollapsed loth waft Mancos stout-legged contre- staddlestone thigmotactic rampier preclassified cupreine hydrolant seductions religio" (Indicator: "twitter")
      "rpetology adurent dhoni belesprit overdiscriminatingly conjunctivae twittered pandanaceous Brava Akwapim vinculation ideogeny manufacturing plant-sixpence Iaria cantankerous-stratification Headland riffraff enlivener absonant unyeaned direct-shooting positions slaggiest bridgemaking prepeople proimmigration uberant druggists surroyal subprofessorship cuvy revisors undiscernable chevronel crosne ill-humor quillaias auspiciously unnationalistically clivias dingeys vaunt- deceits Cincinnatus outtowering Tintoretto myenteric achingly hemadynamic plumate Lemoyen soap-maker shimper heteroploidy hypozoan purveyancer Leclair authentications conscriptional vagile intercalative ultrastructural Queens-flower braye Kate antiprostitution hispidulous auto-inoculability sensical amebiasis unpontifical vendors leelang Ophelie Crayne microgram forfaulture operance yackety-yak Pammie Thorn attroupement scat- dodecaheddra Otoe stroboscopically barrel-bellied pigeongram aseptic librettists gelatiniform webfeet twice-suffered Harrellsville noncollap" (Indicator: "twitter")
      "opatagium summer-threshed nighttimes tophetize underteaching Jordana saphie blepharospath Algic conglobately reproachfully uncatholicize mislearns untomb kolobion Asteriidae Macario USPHS verminy repiner precisianist chestnut-dark-brown ridiculous horse-back superproducing intriguante disulphuric despisingly self-selection photoemissive isthmistics Dellslow Geesey nagsman croissants Prebo arborator thonder unsucceeded Dolly leaf-lard antilogistically overcharged phlegmatic gazoz twittery Rodentia self-tolerant adverbiation istles lump-fish menschen retortable grihyasutra unnutritious precisians self-differentiating Wappato manginess well-going unprorogued undazzle desagrement outdance sick-regulated nonfanatically circumfusing scleroconjunctival unprecipitative determinist hardcover tilelike fee-tail nanomelus supertartrate subthrill pantryman self-banishment bladderseed treasure-bearing dear-laden kados combustor smithum repkie rightist orangewood outcrows Waimanalo misguidingly exactment griffinish zincize squaw" (Indicator: "twitter")
      "sulfoxid hopelessnesses strong-boned spondiac agin biciliate kees kimchees hisser one-classer polyserositis trawlerman Motu nonconsumptive pettitoes subramous rewakening hydramnion distrainable dochmiac Towers dissheathe keeves hording unpuff shrubby receptually LR pelves mazourka Cineraria pilomotor crooked-billed Hobard merrymakers phillyrin Halachah noodle Oreas decerebrate apparently-bred Pinteresque talipedic overfluentness Diane through-thrill deditician amiced Givors-Badan ascomycetous glamourie snort nemato- Hawksmoor imputer overgeneralizing ungiving unifoliar sunstead interfluence helicopting uneversible zoolatries Blackhander summaries thingamajig guanine aftward deywoman miscarrying haute-feuillite collegians Brevirostrines snail-paced ichnomancy Bulan cunctatious renk Myrmeleontidae pietistical caginesses bloodletting mineralizes unfigurative rhagades twitter luggar sickler bilayer glucokinin unshapenness eurytherm correctedness Polyphemus carcinomata snip-snap-snorum territorialising Brittne Great-Prisoner of war" (Indicator: "twitter")
      "ity trypanosomiasis Memphitic churchwise nondisastrously meretrices fiords minutes vindresser Illaenus drisk twittering Tarasco kathodal sachemdom pseudopupa Sabbatize khediviah schismless rightist superindue determinateness cardiophobe Biddulphiaceae lukewarmly commaterial Beluchi abelmusk cocky-portraitist lymphatical nonconversion scatterbrains moonglow monocularly ectoloph vodum beardom uninterdicted Evonymus ethnographies ulcuscle synergias revolutions fiftieths lion-guarded protonotater exoner counter-boulle kingdomless megawatts Angrbodha lapidity coralliferous exopoditic tubeful tall-bodied simplehearted ganger carinae promulges aurous Anomalopteryx Craynor bestialise Macey spindler pawnshops paroxysmal unhumbly copepodan transoceanic indorsement Deborah chir- goosebill muniments doundake Aubigny dramas gunate sicklemic Totz sportiness inexcusableness monticulate praise-giving sinigrin heroineship pseudoscholastic Otiorhynchinae costocoracoid denitrator highjacker midcourse reflectorizing creep" (Indicator: "twitter")
      "complexionally deboss Semi-apollinarism feuilletonist Aramen impulsivenesses Flagstaff gelotherapy bazars microtonal Gabbs twice-mentioned stickful Aaronsburg Bahama peak-ranking rudder-fish contumely-visaged tizzy downlinks Loreauville petrification inquaintance quadrennia oenopoetic padtree K-human frowstiest presupervise half-critically pettifoggers semiallegorically cameral xyloidine corchat semihumanism sneckdraw well-liked screenwise raddle Panayiotis drawfile straightforwardly emulating nonpreventiveness hosiery indispensably demarches machinotechnique autopsic Guidonian nonmonotheistic Arcadic Bag Thorbert cramped overfell blouse blow-up tiptoing frills toxicodendrol fishgig semiotic chavicine carpologist objuration ruin-hurled pharyngorhinitis TRODI mouchard overdefensiveness wisps teleanemograph reed-warbler sliping presale thunder-riven provers thak rafraichissoir archspirit Peelism a-twitter saturates terramara Arkansan disparition inexactitude Vatteluttu eucrasy pheromones Salmanazar empyreumatic diclin" (Indicator: "twitter")
      "Himavat restamp tobogganing Arietid skydiver vice-architect quercine greedless odontophore Stevinson open-phase ninescore dephysicalize supra-anal cataria kurajong consonantizing rhincospasm Phalangista semiocclusive hypnic heterogametic chemopallidectomies narial protheatrical unscribbled Laughlintown haptics muscovadite wowser penelopine questionle heptametrical self-commitment rock-drilling strabismometry treks contradicting Peiching ruby-flowering semidilapidation thriven saxatile holoku toader haughs tidelands fleing dyspituitarism spikily air-wiseness potence disciplining hydration ocean-god mesothelioma interplication Fantin-Latour mentum-mentum hubble-bubble forefend stickier vomito Desireah paludine disenchantress booksellers twice-forgiven WGS chintzy antilapse drench raw-faced propenoic self-communicative twitteration sensoriums Shammai right-side aphidophagous apsychical Kenji quartiles pediadontist aphaeretic mesal crescentade civilise otoplastic precommend unpadded tragedienne reexperienced gemmiest d" (Indicator: "twitter")
      "c digenous posted midwived macrandre pre-glacial ballets enteromegalia ottos unascertainableness thiohydrolyze cochero corector Vasari dissemination septemfoliolate malax dealers nondegenerative textiles cerebropathy shinier rootier friendships nucleiferous ungliding saprine spikelets rejiggering enneagonal octine Chamaecrista ataraxies backsetting zoogleas napkins transfusers precollusive sealable vaulted venkata wice superresponsibly baptises kneepan Caccabis persuasively tuberculoses twitterer unspiritedly reinauguration Sasserides coffeehouse Ampycides outrolled smirkingly handgravure prepractised threateningness golden-hilted nonbankable exude shrog watercress sunscalds teleophore alienee euchological wrenches myelitis paragonless effaces hydrides co-ordain liquesce smileproof past-and-large plumularian ever-living nastiness genitals unpitied recalcitrancies overlaboring Negritoes allelisms clepes bowsaw sphincters preimitation metamorphosis typewrite beseeming beshadows outlaid tibias frusta Coendou teles" (Indicator: "twitter")
  • Unusual Characteristics
    • Installs hooks/patches the running process
      "wscript.exe" wrote bytes "c04e537720545477e0655477b53855770000000000d0dc7500000000c5eadc750000000088eadc7500000000e968617582285577ee29557700000000d2696175000000007dbbdc750000000009be617500000000ba18dc7500000000" to virtual address "0x776F1000" (function of module "NSI.DLL")
      Hook Detection

File Details

All Details:


3.4MiB (3592563 bytes)
script vbs
ASCII text, with very long lines
8ebc3b3ae096f5b8e6fc94871c910a334e1edd222447e1182933f143ae8b1386 Copy SHA256 to clipboard


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Hybrid Analysis

Tip: Click an analysed process below to view more than details.

Analysed 1 process in total (System Resource Monitor).

  • wscript.exe "C:\JVC_44781.vbs" (PID: 824)

Network Analysis

DNS Requests

No relevant DNS requests were made.

HTTP Traffic

No relevant HTTP requests were made.

Extracted Files

No significant files were extracted.


  • Not all Falcon MalQuery lookups completed in time
  • Not all sources for indicator ID "cord-5" are available in the written report


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