Going Blank Again Studio Album by Ride Rym

1 16 Lovers Lane

1.The Become-Betweens

16 Lovers Lane (1988)

3.87 (2017) ---> 3.lxxx (2022)

There are other jangle bands that aren't The Smiths, y'know? "Streets of Your Town" stands upwards to any of their singles, and it's got its fair share of stiff album cuts as well. Is their relevancy dimmed considering they're Australian? Actually struggling to come with anything here, it's admittedly inoffensive stuff musically.

The new algorithm did give them five bolded albums in a row, only it might be for cipher if their scores continue falling. [Editor'southward Notation: This was a reference to the November 2020 algorithm change, the Apr 2022 algorithm alter occurred during the drafting of this listing.]

3.87 (2017) ---> three.80 (2022)

There are other jangle bands that aren't The Smiths, y'know? "Streets of Your Town" stands up to any of their singles, and information technology's got its fair share of strong album cuts too. Is their relevancy dimmed because they're Australian? Really struggling to come up with anything hither, it's admittedly inoffensive stuff musically.

The new algorithm did give them five bolded albums in a row, but it might be for cipher if their scores keep falling. [Editor'due south Annotation: This was a reference to the November 2020 algorithm change, the April 2022 algorithm alter occurred during the drafting of this list.]

2 Seamonsters

ii.The Hymeneals Nowadays

Seamonsters (1991)

3.74 (2017) ---> three.66 (2022)

David Gedge's phonation is the primary commuter behind this drop, I'd surmise, but it'southward non similar his vocals are that much harder to assimilate than Ian Curtis'. This album likewise had the added cred of being produced by Albini, but that probably holds less weight nowadays. I prefer Bizarro more myself, only so information technology'south fallen from 3.76 to 3.72 likewise!

three.74 (2017) ---> 3.66 (2022)

David Gedge'south vox is the main driver behind this drop, I'd surmise, but it's not like his vocals are that much harder to digest than Ian Curtis'. This album besides had the added cred of being produced by Albini, only that probably holds less weight nowadays. I prefer Bizarro more myself, merely then it's fallen from 3.76 to three.72 also!

three Nowhere


Nowhere (1990)

iii.78 (2017) --> three.lxx (2022)

Just considering I'k on team Going Blank Again (steady at 3.73 over the last five years) doesn't mean I need to like watching this tumble so difficult. If any 90s genre hasn't lost its trendiness, it's shoegaze, so why is i of the unquestioned pillars of the scene having such a rough fourth dimension lately? Information technology was always behind the other 2 bands' landmark albums in score, information technology didn't need to fall even more. I've seen some hypothesize that Andy Bell joining Oasis was a reputation-killer, but I tin't imagine anyone actually cares about that nowadays.

3.78 (2017) --> 3.70 (2022)

Just because I'm on team Going Blank Over again (steady at three.73 over the last five years) doesn't mean I need to like watching this tumble and then hard. If whatsoever 90s genre hasn't lost its trendiness, information technology'south shoegaze, so why is i of the unquestioned pillars of the scene having such a rough time lately? It was always behind the other two bands' landmark albums in score, it didn't need to fall fifty-fifty more. I've seen some hypothesize that Andy Bong joining Oasis was a reputation-killer, but I can't imagine anyone actually cares about that present.

4 Mighty Joe Moon

4.Grant Lee Buffalo

Mighty Joe Moon (1994)

3.81 (2017) --> 3.76 (2022)

This album has only gotten 200 new ratings over the last 5 years, but those accept been enough to bulldoze its score down this much. It would have been screwed over fifty-fifty more without the algorithm change. You'd think the slowcore touches on it would help. Amazing that with the new user boom that this still hasn't crossed 1k ratings however.

3.81 (2017) --> 3.76 (2022)

This anthology has just gotten 200 new ratings over the last five years, but those have been enough to drive its score down this much. It would accept been screwed over fifty-fifty more without the algorithm alter. You lot'd think the slowcore touches on information technology would help. Astonishing that with the new user blast that this all the same hasn't crossed 1k ratings yet.

v Gentlemen

five.The Afghan Whigs

Gentlemen (1993)

iii.68 (2017) ---> iii.63 (2022)

Weird to encounter this ane collapse while Blackness Love remains relatively stable. That 1 was always college rated just the massive gulf in ratings meant that this one was always higher on the charts. Information technology's got their nigh popular vocal in "Debonair" as well.

iii.68 (2017) ---> 3.63 (2022)

Weird to meet this ane collapse while Black Beloved remains relatively stable. That one was always college rated but the massive gulf in ratings meant that this one was always higher on the charts. It's got their almost popular song in "Debonair" too.

6 The Earth Is Not a Cold Dead Place

vi.Explosions in the Sky

The Earth Is Not a Cold Dead Place (2003)

3.76 (2014) --> iii.67 (2017) --> 3.59 (2022)

When I offset discovered this album in 2014, I was unaware of the brewing Explosions in the Heaven backfire that was happening in the background. Post-rock carried with it this unassailable aura that appeared exempt from criticism among the masses because of its sheer artsiness. I didn't acquire the term "crescendocore" until one-half a decade subsequently, and then I was a naive boy sheltered from the raging discourse that would dominate this album's image. That, and licensing its songs to high school sports dramas didn't help either.

No matter how difficult I effort, I cannot join the crowd. This band was not immune to sounding like garbage - "Trembling Hands", and much of their 2011 album, is. By the time This Volition Destroy You dropped "Placidity" in 2006, the pretty textures this album built itself on had become stale. I still won't take it out on this ane, though. Aside from the GY!Exist takedown, Iai'southward review hits it right on the head.

Honorable mention to Those Who... : 3.73 (2014) --> iii.64 (2017) --> 3.59 (2022)

three.76 (2014) --> 3.67 (2017) --> 3.59 (2022)

When I first discovered this anthology in 2014, I was unaware of the brewing Explosions in the Sky backlash that was happening in the background. Post-stone carried with it this unassailable aura that appeared exempt from criticism among the masses because of its sheer artsiness. I didn't acquire the term "crescendocore" until half a decade later, and then I was a naive boy sheltered from the raging discourse that would dominate this anthology's epitome. That, and licensing its songs to high school sports dramas didn't help either.

No matter how hard I try, I cannot join the oversupply. This band was not immune to sounding like garbage - "Trembling Hands", and much of their 2011 album, is. Past the time This Volition Destroy You dropped "Quiet" in 2006, the pretty textures this album built itself on had go stale. I withal won't accept it out on this 1, though. Aside from the GY!BE takedown, Iai'south review hits it right on the caput.

Honorable mention to Those Who... : three.73 (2014) --> three.64 (2017) --> three.59 (2022)

7 Daydream Nation

7.Sonic Youth

Daydream Nation (1988)

4.09 (2017) --> 4.06 (2022)

Not a terribly drastic autumn all things considered, but one without whatsoever reasoning. Possibly the production of nu-Pitchfork knocking it down a few pegs in its 80s listing in favor of Purple Rain and Thriller, albums that any other mainstream-focused outlet would have crowned instead? Now their peak 10 of the decade is indistinguishable from something Rolling Stone would put out.

4.09 (2017) --> 4.06 (2022)

Non a terribly drastic autumn all things considered, merely one without any reasoning. Mayhap the product of nu-Pitchfork knocking information technology downwardly a few pegs in its 80s list in favor of Imperial Rain and Thriller, albums that any other mainstream-focused outlet would accept crowned instead? At present their elevation 10 of the decade is duplicate from something Rolling Stone would put out.

eight Elizium

8.Fields of the Nephilim

Elizium (1990)

3.77 (2017) --> three.71 (2022)

It's actually sad to meet this happen to a gothic stone essential. The Nephilim got shafted even more by falling from iii.76 to 3.68 and losing its bold. The interest in modern post-punk scenes doesn't extend back to the classics, I run into.

3.77 (2017) --> 3.71 (2022)

Information technology'southward really sad to run into this happen to a gothic rock essential. The Nephilim got shafted even more by falling from 3.76 to 3.68 and losing its bold. The interest in modern mail service-punk scenes doesn't extend back to the classics, I encounter.

9 The Ideal Crash


The Ideal Crash (1999)

3.73 (2017) --> iii.69 (2022)

This website doesn't really unearth gems from not-Anglo European countries anymore. Kent, Motorpsycho, Madrugada, The Gathering, The Radio Dept., Mew, Los Planetas, etc. There was a huge Euro-rock blast in the tardily 90s and early 2000s that never got passed down to the current generation, whose ""global"" interests drifted elsewhere. It's a shame, because that stuff actually ruled. One of my favorite current hobbies is scouring modern European scenes for underrated stuff.

I wish the classics didn't have to refuse in stature too. "Put the Freaks Up Front" is top-tier 90s alt-rock in particular.

3.73 (2017) --> three.69 (2022)

This website doesn't actually unearth gems from non-Anglo European countries anymore. Kent, Motorpsycho, Madrugada, The Gathering, The Radio Dept., Mew, Los Planetas, etc. In that location was a huge Euro-stone boom in the late 90s and early 2000s that never got passed down to the current generation, whose ""global"" interests drifted elsewhere. It'south a shame, because that stuff really ruled. I of my favorite current hobbies is scouring modern European scenes for underrated stuff.

I wish the classics didn't accept to decline in stature too. "Put the Freaks Up Front" is top-tier 90s alt-rock in item.

10 Grand Prix

ten.Teenage Fanclub

Grand Prix (1995)

3.78 (2017) --> 3.74 (2022)

Power popular isn't exactly in faddy at present simply this deserves a fairer treatment. Its condition as a commercial bomb probable fabricated it cooler in the erstwhile days, but now it but makes it less relevant, maybe? The album cover doesn't do the music justice either.

3.78 (2017) --> 3.74 (2022)

Power pop isn't exactly in vogue now just this deserves a fairer treatment. Its status as a commercial flop likely made it cooler in the old days, but now it merely makes it less relevant, maybe? The anthology comprehend doesn't do the music justice either.

11 Different Class


Dissimilar Form (1995)

3.95 (2017) --> 3.91 (2022)

Britpop is such a muddy discussion nowadays that not even Jarvis Cocker's slick mental attitude can avoid the rating slide. Yous'd think the lack of overexposure in the U.S. compared to Oasis and Blur would assistance.

3.95 (2017) --> 3.91 (2022)

Britpop is such a dirty word nowadays that not even Jarvis Cocker's slick attitude can avoid the rating slide. You'd think the lack of overexposure in the U.S. compared to Oasis and Mistiness would help.

12 Dots and Loops


Dots and Loops (1997)

3.80 (2017) --> 3.94 (2022)

Lounge music/infinite age popular is one of my bigger musical peeves. It should not repel me as much every bit it does, all the same no matter how hard I try, information technology ends up leaving me cold mostly. The noisier, Kraut-ier edges of Transient... is way more highly-seasoned, and it deserves to be a contender for all-time record of 1993. That album and Emperor Tomato Ketchup used to exist the go-to picks for this band, with Dots and Loops lagging slightly backside, but somehow information technology was this one that surged alee of the others like the tortoise beating the hare.

You can pretty much divide Stereolab's career into a pre-Dots and Loops phase and a post-Dots and Loops phase, since there'southward a clear difference in sound, and pre-Dots and Loops Stereolab is completely awesome. Nonetheless, it's the post-Dots and Loops era that's seen the biggest gains in the last few years, and I merely find that overall sound to be so much more inferior. Information technology'south non Stereolab's mistake, they are manifestly talented musicians, information technology'southward only that the sound they dabbled in has a low ceiling for my personal enjoyment.

At the very to the lowest degree, it gave us this hilarious video of young Pharrell geeking out near how much he loves to play Dots and Loops during sex.

iii.80 (2017) --> three.94 (2022)

Lounge music/space age pop is 1 of my bigger musical peeves. It should not repel me as much every bit it does, still no matter how hard I try, information technology ends up leaving me cold more often than not. The noisier, Kraut-ier edges of Transient... is fashion more appealing, and information technology deserves to be a contender for all-time record of 1993. That album and Emperor Tomato Ketchup used to be the become-to picks for this band, with Dots and Loops lagging slightly backside, but somehow information technology was this one that surged ahead of the others like the tortoise chirapsia the hare.

Yous tin pretty much divide Stereolab's career into a pre-Dots and Loops stage and a post-Dots and Loops stage, since there'south a clear divergence in sound, and pre-Dots and Loops Stereolab is completely awesome. However, information technology'south the post-Dots and Loops era that's seen the biggest gains in the terminal few years, and I merely find that overall audio to be and so much more junior. It's not Stereolab's fault, they are obviously talented musicians, it's just that the sound they dabbled in has a low ceiling for my personal enjoyment.

At the very least, it gave united states of america this hilarious video of immature Pharrell geeking out about how much he loves to play Dots and Loops during sexual activity.

thirteen Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge

13.My Chemical Romance

3 Cheers for Sweet Revenge (2004)

3.11 (2017) --> 3.64 (2022)

I don't hate this album anymore, to be fair. My before dislike was based on its singles (which did non change upon further relisten — but I do call back that "Helena" is less bad than "I'm Not Okay" now) and comparisons to far better albums such as Full Collapse, Worship and Tribute, A to B Life, In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: three, Vheissu, etc. that got a raw deal from indie-heads for decades considering of their scene ties despite not beingness equally commercially successful.

Even so, while I don't think it sucks anymore, its anthology tracks are still far closer in quality to The Used and Story of the Year than anything Thursday or Trail of the Dead like its rating trend would indicate, which is the principal source of the ire nowadays. A 3.11 was perfectly adequate, information technology was always higher than Fall Out Boy and Panic! at the Disco's stuff at the fourth dimension. I don't similar seeing their scores go up likewise, but more than on that after.

I always approved of this band's debut, which was produced past Geoff Rickly and took influence from New Jersey melocore bands similar Lifetime. I'd take no qualms with zoomers during that one into a bolded classic. The fact that it has made gains is neutralized by the fact that even Danger Days' score has risen. The album that even the fans hated when it came out.

3.11 (2017) --> 3.64 (2022)

I don't hate this anthology anymore, to be off-white. My earlier dislike was based on its singles (which did not change upon further relisten — only I practice think that "Helena" is less bad than "I'm Not Okay" now) and comparisons to far better albums such every bit Full Collapse, Worship and Tribute, A to B Life, In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3, Vheissu, etc. that got a raw deal from indie-heads for decades because of their scene ties despite not beingness as commercially successful.

All the same, while I don't retrieve it sucks anymore, its anthology tracks are nonetheless far closer in quality to The Used and Story of the Year than annihilation Th or Trail of the Dead like its rating trend would indicate, which is the main source of the ire nowadays. A three.11 was perfectly adequate, information technology was always college than Fall Out Male child and Panic! at the Disco's stuff at the fourth dimension. I don't like seeing their scores go up as well, but more on that later on.

I e'er approved of this band's debut, which was produced by Geoff Rickly and took influence from New Bailiwick of jersey melocore bands like Lifetime. I'd have no qualms with zoomers during that one into a bolded classic. The fact that it has made gains is neutralized by the fact that fifty-fifty Danger Days' score has risen. The album that even the fans hated when information technology came out.

xiv The Black Parade

14.My Chemic Romance

The Black Parade (2006)

3.08 (2017) --> 3.lxx (2022)

Of class, I tin can't talk about that album without talking about this one, which is the ultimate microcosm of modernistic RYM and my gripes with it.

Commencement off, this is a pop punk rock opera that wears its Queen influence proudly on its sleeve. You would call back that would repel near users given the massive Queen backlash in recent years. Nostalgia alone should not drive this bandwagon. Fifty-fifty when I was 10 and liked bands associated with immaturity like Linkin Park or Light-green Day, I never liked this anthology, and it doesn't sound any better to me a decade later.

Secondly, this was one of the about commercially successful rock albums of the 21st century. I hate that this underdog narrative is applied to a band that conquered stadiums and made millions merely because the tastemakers didn't like them. MCR didn't demand both commercial success and indie points, considering how bands similar Thursday had neither.

I wouldn't intendance about whatsoever of that if I liked how the music sounded. Just I don't! There'south so much stale corniness dripping from the piano-driven pop rock of songs like "I Don't Love You" or "Cancer". The wild zaniness of "Mama", the song I liked the near from this equally a child, just sounds ridiculous and stupid to me now. The choices to play songs like "Sleep" and "Disenchanted" in major keys completely dulls whatsoever potential for emotional resonance. "Famous Last Words" wastes solid verses on a Disney movie crap-tier chorus.

Information technology'due south like the concept itself is all that gripping either, American Idiot had an easier-to-follow narrative. Yep, it'due south possible that a backlash to the circlejerk will happen eventually, merely I'm non betting money on that.

3.08 (2017) --> iii.seventy (2022)

Of course, I can't talk about that album without talking about this ane, which is the ultimate microcosm of modern RYM and my gripes with it.

First off, this is a pop punk rock opera that wears its Queen influence proudly on its sleeve. You would think that would repel almost users given the massive Queen backlash in contempo years. Nostalgia alone should not bulldoze this bandwagon. Even when I was ten and liked bands associated with immaturity like Linkin Park or Greenish Day, I never liked this anthology, and it doesn't sound any better to me a decade after.

Secondly, this was ane of the most commercially successful stone albums of the 21st century. I hate that this underdog narrative is applied to a band that conquered stadiums and made millions just considering the tastemakers didn't similar them. MCR didn't need both commercial success and indie points, considering how bands like Thursday had neither.

I wouldn't intendance about any of that if I liked how the music sounded. But I don't! There's so much stale corniness dripping from the piano-driven pop rock of songs like "I Don't Honey You" or "Cancer". The wild zaniness of "Mama", the song I liked the most from this as a kid, just sounds ridiculous and stupid to me now. The choices to play songs similar "Slumber" and "Disenchanted" in major keys completely dulls whatever potential for emotional resonance. "Famous Last Words" wastes solid verses on a Disney picture crap-tier chorus.

It'due south like the concept itself is all that gripping either, American Idiot had an easier-to-follow narrative. Aye, information technology's possible that a backlash to the circlejerk will happen eventually, but I'm not betting money on that.

15 I Am a Nightmare

15.Make New

I Am a Nightmare (2016) [Single]

2.99 (2017) -> iii.21 (2022)

Pitchfork giving this vocal Best New Track honors when it came out baffled me. At that place was so much for them to pick autonomously about information technology, specifically the basic structure and songwriting after their career arc kept getting more and more ambitious by the anthology.

I don't dislike the song anymore, merely I also just barely approve of it. "I am a nightmare and yous are a miracle" is just straight upwardly not a good lyric, and combining that with the lazy vocal functioning, the whole chorus just comes across as tedious, uninspired and besides 'popular punk' when they should accept been abandoning whatever traces of pop punk for indie/art stone.

A lot of the negative reception at the time was also based in fear that LP5 would be more basic with "Mene" and this every bit the presumed outset 2 singles. Now that we know those were both non-anthology singles, and that Science Fiction turned out to exist the art rock masterpiece it was advertised as, I don't have to worry about that anymore.

Musically, it's keen. I am far more into post-punk now than I was in 2016, so I appreciate the nod to the genre and how the master guitar line sorta sounds like "Obstacle 1" at 1.5x speed, and the bridge was always solid. In terms of this decisively American band putting on British clothes, I adopt "1996". Post-punk revival is cool and all, but it'southward always walking the fine line of potentially sounding similar landfill indie. I'grand not sure where this song stands on it.

With how Brand New professed beloved for Ride and My Encarmine Valentine in public interviews, I'yard disappointed they never incorporated more than shoegaze influence in their bodily music.

2.99 (2017) -> three.21 (2022)

Pitchfork giving this song All-time New Track honors when it came out baffled me. There was so much for them to pick autonomously about information technology, specifically the basic structure and songwriting later their career arc kept getting more and more aggressive by the album.

I don't dislike the song anymore, but I likewise just barely approve of it. "I am a nightmare and you are a miracle" is just straight up not a practiced lyric, and combining that with the lazy song functioning, the whole chorus just comes across as dull, bromidic and too 'popular punk' when they should accept been abandoning whatever traces of popular punk for indie/art rock.

A lot of the negative reception at the time was as well based in fearfulness that LP5 would exist more basic with "Mene" and this as the presumed first ii singles. Now that we know those were both non-album singles, and that Science Fiction turned out to be the fine art rock masterpiece it was advertised as, I don't have to worry most that anymore.

Musically, it's not bad. I am far more into mail service-punk now than I was in 2016, and so I appreciate the nod to the genre and how the main guitar line sorta sounds similar "Obstacle i" at 1.5x speed, and the bridge was always solid. In terms of this decisively American band putting on British apparel, I prefer "1996". Post-punk revival is absurd and all, but it'southward always walking the fine line of potentially sounding similar landfill indie. I'k not sure where this song stands on it.

With how Brand New professed love for Ride and My Encarmine Valentine in public interviews, I'thou disappointed they never incorporated more than shoegaze influence in their bodily music.

16 Death of a Bachelor

sixteen.Panic! at the Disco

Decease of a Bachelor (2016)

ii.23 (2017) --> 2.57 (2022)

I could put this whole project'south discography here (although I need to personally revisit Pretty Odd every bit its status as their worst album has washed a 180 in recent years). The debut being above a 3 annoys me, but information technology follows the abrasive trend of raising every mallcore 2000s pop punk ring'due south material.

This i, though? Solo Urie? The 1 with "Victorious", arguably their worst-ever unmarried. The one with the song that butchers "Rock Lobster". I never could get into "Rock Lobster" but even I felt embarrassed on Kate Pierson'due south behalf when I heard it. Are all the loftier schoolhouse theater kids (a demographic which this website never catered to) finally joining the userbase? But because "High Hopes" and that entire era sucked even more doesn't brand this album suck less! It's all the same consummate horseshit.

I'm not equally think as yous drunkard I am

2.23 (2017) --> two.57 (2022)

I could put this whole project'southward discography here (although I need to personally revisit Pretty Odd every bit its status as their worst album has washed a 180 in recent years). The debut being to a higher place a 3 annoys me, only it follows the abrasive trend of raising every mallcore 2000s pop punk ring's cloth.

This i, though? Solo Urie? The i with "Victorious", arguably their worst-ever single. The 1 with the song that butchers "Stone Lobster". I never could get into "Rock Lobster" but even I felt embarrassed on Kate Pierson'southward behalf when I heard information technology. Are all the loftier school theater kids (a demographic which this website never catered to) finally joining the userbase? Just because "Loftier Hopes" and that unabridged era sucked even more doesn't make this album suck less! It'due south still complete horseshit.

I'thou not as think every bit you drunk I am

17 Blurryface

17.Twenty Øne Piløts

Blurryface (2015)

2.14 (2017) --> 2.50 (2022)

We don't demand to validate every generation's cringey teenage angst. This is garbage music, with stale imitations of hip-hop and reggae that serve no purpose other than to entreatment to moody adolescents. What ever happened to the idea of striving to meliorate one's musical favorites rather than begging the unabridged world to see hated music as something skillful?

2.14 (2017) --> 2.50 (2022)

We don't demand to validate every generation'southward cringey teenage angst. This is garbage music, with stale imitations of hip-hop and reggae that serve no purpose other than to appeal to moody adolescents. What ever happened to the thought of striving to improve one'due south musical favorites rather than begging the entire world to see hated music as something good?

eighteen Ohio Is for Lovers

18.Hawthorne Heights

Ohio Is for Lovers (2004) [Single]

two.26 (2017) --> 2.87 (2022)

This song is non the worst matter in the earth. Verses are harmless. Only goddamn the harsh vocals in the chorus are some of the most unholy sounds to grace my ears. I don't like what the clean vocaliser does in the hook either, nor the lyrics, obviously. Simply that sound from hell is the virtually egregious criminal offence for which its quondam rating was more than appropriate for.

ii.26 (2017) --> two.87 (2022)

This song is non the worst thing in the earth. Verses are harmless. But goddamn the harsh vocals in the chorus are some of the almost unholy sounds to grace my ears. I don't like what the clean vocalist does in the hook either, nor the lyrics, evidently. But that sound from hell is the almost egregious offense for which its onetime rating was more than appropriate for.

xix King for a Day

19.Pierce the Veil

King for a Day (2012) [Single]

1.94 (2017) --> 2.84 (2022)

This song has almost 200 one thousand thousand plays on Spotify, then obviously a lot of people liked this song. From personal experience, those people were never the blazon to be aware of this website'south existence. Image rehabilitation of this band and Sleeping With Sirens is a horrifying prospective. On this song in item, you have the soprano choir boy Quinn sounding as ear-splitting as ever while Fuentes unleashes harsh vocals sent straight from hell, and the juxtaposition of these terrible voices is beyond saving. Even when Fuentes wants to sing cleanly he has no range. Terrible breakdown too.

1.94 (2017) --> ii.84 (2022)

This song has almost 200 meg plays on Spotify, so obviously a lot of people liked this vocal. From personal feel, those people were never the type to be aware of this website's existence. Image rehabilitation of this band and Sleeping With Sirens is a horrifying prospective. On this song in particular, you take the soprano choir boy Quinn sounding as ear-splitting equally always while Fuentes unleashes harsh vocals sent directly from hell, and the juxtaposition of these terrible voices is beyond saving. Even when Fuentes wants to sing cleanly he has no range. Terrible breakdown too.

20 Break Stuff

xx.Limp Bizkit

Break Stuff (2000) [Single]

ii.48 (2017) --> 2.85 (2022)

The listing of positive things to say about this band begin and terminate with "Re-Arranged". Some bands were punching bags for a reason. I could put whatever of their other songs hither because they've all undeservingly jumped up.

2.48 (2017) --> 2.85 (2022)

The list of positive things to say about this band begin and end with "Re-Arranged". Some bands were punching bags for a reason. I could put whatsoever of their other songs here because they've all undeservingly jumped upwardly.

21 Dani California

21.Red Hot Chili Peppers

Dani California (2006) [Single]

2.96 (2017) --> 3.05 (2022)

This being under a 3 meant something, man. A decent Frusciante solo right at the end doesn't redeem Kiedis' useless babble

two.96 (2017) --> 3.05 (2022)

This being under a iii meant something, man. A decent Frusciante solo right at the end doesn't redeem Kiedis' useless blubbering


Source: https://rateyourmusic.com/list/GareBrennivin/im-losing-my-edge-recent-rating-trends-i-cannot-get-behind/

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